About Us

Home is where your story begins.

The real estate company you can trust to keep it real.

Realty Japan ® is operated by the licensed real estate agency, All About Furano Co., Ltd.
AAF (All About Furano ®) provides the total property investment services to foreign property investors and owners in Furano Hokkaido Japan.

AAF Office
Address 20-31 Kitanomine Furano Hokkaido Japan 0760034
Phone +81 167 22 3667

The Real Estate Agency License Number is as follows.
Hokkaido Governor License, Kamikawa (2) #1230
宅地建物取引業者番号北海道知事免許上川(2) 第1230号

Property listing
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Don’t wait to buy real estate. Buy real estate and wait.

More than a real estate agent.

Real Estate Agency services finds the best property for you after our consultation of your property investment in Furano. We have the following property investment services after your property purchase if needed.

Properties in Japan

Realty Japan provides listing by local agents and brokers

What area

Choose the area where you would like to purchase the properties in Japan.

For live or investment?

Some needs the places to live in, and the others would like to make property investment in Japan. Whichever it is, check out the listing with us.


The listings are provided by the local agents and brokers in each local area in Japan.